Phase 1 Updates

January 2025

Our next worship space!

December 2024

Taking Shape - Inside and Out

November 2024

Framing is up

October 2024

Concrete poured

September 2024

Finished prepping land

August 2024

Trailer and barn removed

March 2024

Bridge completed

March 2022

Easter Picnic on the land

March 2020

Purchased Land


  • Why is it called God is Able?

    At the end of 2019, God placed 2 Corinthians 9:8 on Matt’s heart to be Southpointe’s theme verse for 2020 – “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” We had no idea at the beginning of 2020 that God would provide a piece of land, at an incredible price, and then we would purchase it the week we had to shut down because of Covid 19. Through all of this, our Heavenly Father continues to remind us that He is Able!

  • Why is Southpointe doing this?

    The main 3 are these:

    1. Our current building does not give us room to grow and expand. We need space outside to be in nature and share time together.

    2. The rent in our current building is very high, and we believe it is wise to own our church building.

    3. We believe God is calling us to expand our Gospel-centered footprint in our community, and building a church campus with facilities to engage and love our community well is a strategic step in carrying out our vision and mission at Southpointe.

  • What is Southpointe asking me to do?

    First, we are asking you to PRAY and seek God’s leading.

    Second, we ask you to prepare to be amazed. We trust that the Lord is working in your life, in our church, and in our community. We look forward to the tremendous impact that He will make through our commitments.

    Third, we ask you to make a generous and sacrificial commitment, above your normal tithe.

  • If we are committing to GOD IS ABLE, how does this change my giving to the general fund (Compelled) at Southpointe?

    This campaign is above and beyond your normal tithe. Our general fund is what we use to fund all our ministries, pay our rent and utilities, etc., and it needs to stay strong. This is why we are asking you to pray, sacrifice, and give generously to this amazing opportunity. During this campaign, every contribution will be used towards Phase 1.

  • What is the “right amount” for me to give, or for us to give as a family?

    The “right amount” is the amount that God places on your heart to sacrificially give. Your commitment is a response in worship. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

  • What if I can’t afford to give right now?

    GOD IS ABLE is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity to God’s mission in and through Southpointe Community Church. We believe that God calls us to give in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance, and what that looks like will be different for every person and family. We trust that God will direct all of us, calling us to surrender our lives completely in the area of giving. It is not something that He wants “from” us, but something that He wants “for” us. Sacrificial giving may mean being challenged to sell things, cut back in certain areas of spending, or even to trust God in faith by making a commitment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for as you seek Him. We would like 100% participation in this campaign so that we can all be supporting, loving, encouraging, and praying for one another.

  • What if I am new to Southpointe?

    If you are new to our church, new to Nolensville, new to faith in Christ, or still seeking answers, WELCOME! The GOD IS ABLE campaign is about moving God’s vision and mission forward through our church, and during this time we would love to help you get to know our church and learn more about our vision and mission. We encourage you to attend one of our monthly Discover Southpointe luncheons, and also our Saturday morning Membership Class. Both of these will assist you to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how to get connected at Southpointe. The best way to get connected at Southpointe is to jump into a SP Group, because we believe real life change happens best in the context of authentic relationships. Please e-mail us to find out more about SP Groups.

  • Are there additional ways to give differently and/or more towards GOD IS ABLE?

    Yes! Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give. You might have stocks, properties, or stored resources that God has blessed you with that He may be calling you to give.